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First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name
Email address (i.e
City, State, Country, Zip Code:
Your Occupation:
In order to assess your qualifications, please answer the questions below.
What type of work do you believe you are qualified to do?:

Describe the job experiences you have had.
Do you have any injury or condition that would prevent you from any physical activity we might need for our clients?
What Languages do you speak?
English French Spanish German Dutch Portugese Russian Arabic Swiss Japanese Chinese Korean Cantonese Vietnamese Polish Swahili Other
What computer applications/systems do you know?
Windows 95/98/2000 Cobol C/C++ CICS HTML XML JAVA Java Script Perl/CGI Lingo SAS IMS / DL1 Adabase DBase PL1 RPG Fortran SQL Access PC MAC Linux Other
Are you willing to show up to each job 30 minutes early?
Yes No
Are you willing to call us, regardless of the circumstances, to let us know if anything prevents you from starting on time?
Yes No
Are you willing to give us, 72 hours notice of any need for cancellation of an assignment?
Yes No
Are you willing to travel?
Yes No
Do you consider yourself flexible? Why? Please give an example of a job in which you were flexible.
My personal interests are:
In my leisure time, I enjoy:
My personal goals is:
What school related activities, organizations or volunteer work have you participated in?

Thank you for your application. We will contact you shortly.

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